I really cannot thank Alaine Skerrett enough for the life changing treatments I have received from her recently.

I went for my first treatment with her a few months ago and really cannot believe the difference her style of chiropractic treatments has made to my life.

I fractured my coccyx and pelvis in 1998 which was devastating on so many levels. I have received acupuncture and chiropractic treatments since that time as after 6 months after the injury the NHS could do no more to help me.

These treatments literally got me back on my feet but since 2000 there has been little improvement in my ability to sit on soft chairs without the aid of a sturdy spinal support device – as typically after 5 minutes I would have neck pain and my coccyx and lower back would spasm which was painful and impacted on my mobility too.

After a thorough consultation which brought up lots of past issues emotionally that I’d thought were resolved, Alaine examined me and then stared the very gentle McTimoney Chiropractic session.  It was a very pleasant surprise that it was clearly working not just on a physical level but also on my emotional state and at a profoundly deep and energetic level too. Previous chiropractic treatments have been the typical back cracking types which were maintaining my back health but not improving it. I have had 4 treatments from her since then on a monthly basis and have gone from strength to strength

I travelled to Turkey In August without the spinal support and was able to sit on most chairs without any discomfort. Then in December we flew out to Oman to visit our son and daughter  in law. They were absolutely amazed that I didn’t need the spinal support for any of the flights and that I could sit comfortably in any type of chair relaxed and pain free.

I really cannot recommend Alaine enough and would say that if you too have a chronic injury that is not getting better give her a call, I know that she will be able to help you to improve as she has done me.

My eternal love and gratitude Alaine from  Annie Day Of Heaven Scent Bliss.